Lay your hands on the first edition of 'Puppets of Tyre', our new illustrated tale for children and adults alike.
Nimble and invisible, the puppets are a squad of mechanical spies deployed by the Supreme Priestess to keep the entire ancient city of Tyre under her control. To residents they are nothing but a brisk shadow in the corner. But thanks to them, in her vast underground palace she knows what is going on at every place of importance: the Royal Palace where the King together with his Vizier are dreaming of ridding themselves her grip.
When the King finally moves to oust the Supreme Priestess, things go quickly out of hand and his own family become the victims of her ruthless revenge.
Puppets of Tyre
Cover Type: Soft
Weight: 565 gr. Size: 21x25cm.
Number of Pages: 148.
Colored Book. Age Group: 10+
Copyright: Max Dedikov, 2023. Published by Isle29 s.r.o., Slovakia.
First Edition, 2023. Illustrated by Louay Daoust, 2022.
Typeset by Max Dedik, Louay Daoust, Aleph, 2023.
Book printed in Beirut, Lebanon by Aleph, 2023.